Traitement de la chute des cheveux avec GREEN PEEL® Hair Boost

Hair loss treatments are necessary for the good image and health of the scalp of our head.

Our hair that usually suffers with the passage of time, the weather conditions , the modern way of life (nutrition, stress e.t.c) ), extreme styling (hair colours, hairdryer e.t.c .) doesn’t enjoy the treatment and care it deserves. GREEN PEEL® Hair Boost is an award-winning, medically developed, absolutely herbal treatment with exclusively herbal ingredients which have proven their success globally.

The precious mixture of GREEN PEEL® Hair Boost is composed of 11 herbs, rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that interact with each other to achieve the desirable results. With no chemical additions and no acids , it comprises the most dynamic but also natural and safe method to face hair loss.

GREEN PEEL® Hair Boost successfully faces:

  • The receding hairline.
  • Diffusely distributed hair loss.
  • Local hair loss.
  • Thinning on the upper part at the back of the head.
  • Hormonal and genetically determined hair loss.
  • Weak hair.
  • Thinning of the hair.

To whom does it address? 

To men and women irrespective of their age for the prevention and treatment of hair loss or thinning of the scalp.

How long does the application last?

60 minutes

Does GREEN PEEL® Hair Boost hurt?

There is no disturbance. On the contrary, you enjoy an enjoyable massage with herbs.


Every 30 days for 6 repeated treatments.

Are  the ingredients used harmful?

In no case.

They are certified medical products with type  CE as well as FDA Approved approvals.


The continuation of the hair loss treatment at home is continued with special treatment that is necessary to reinforce the results and expand their endurance. The complete treatment programme to deal with hair loss is continued at home with GREEN PEEL® Hair Boost Tonic.